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Scherp Vogel Technology B.V. respects your privacy. In this privacy statement we will explain: 

1. what personal data we process; 

2. how we obtain personal data; 

3. for what purposes we process personal data; 

4. on what legal grounds we process personal data; 

5. for how long we retain personal data; 

6. with whom we share personal data; 

7. how we protect personal data; 

8. what kind of cookies we use; 

9. what rights you as a data subject have; 

10. how updates to this privacy statement will be made available; and 

11. how you can contact us for questions or requests regarding your personal data. 


1. What personal data do we process? 

Personal data is any information that can be used to directly or indirectly identify a natural person. What personal data we process depends on your relationship with us. Such data may include primarily: 

• If you are a (representative or employee of our) customer: (1) basic personal information such as name, company name and job title etc.; and (2) contact information such as phone number, address and e-mail address etc. 

• If you are a (representative or employee of our) potential customer or otherwise our business contact: (1) basic personal information such as name, company name and job title etc.; and (2) contact information such as phone number, address and e-mail address etc. 

• If you are a (representative or employee of our) supplier or otherwise our contracting party: (1) basic personal information such as name, company name and job title etc.; and (2) contact information such as phone number, address and e-mail address etc. 

• If you apply for a job, internship or volunteer position: (1) basic personal information such as name, date and place of birth, gender, photo and copy of ID documents etc.; (2) qualification information such as education and work experience, professional certificates etc.; and (3) contact information such as phone number, address, e-mail address, social media account(s) etc. 

• If you are an employee, intern or volunteer of our company: all the data as mentioned in the previous category plus data regarding remuneration, expenses compensation and evaluation reports etc. 

• If you are a visitor to our website: usage data such as webpages visited, duration of visits etc. 

• If you are a subscriber to our social media accounts or mailings: (1) basic personal information such as name, company name and job title etc.; (2) contact information 


such as phone number, address and e-mail address etc.; and (3) certain usage data such as which posts you have read and when. 


2. How do we obtain personal data? 

In many cases the personal data that we process is provided to us by you. For example, you may provide your personal data to us when calling or e-mailing us to request a quotation, by filling out our suppliers or customer registration forms, by entering into an agreement with us, by subscribing to our social media accounts or mailings or by applying for a job, internship or volunteer position. We may also obtain your personal data from other sources. These sources may include inter alia job agencies, payroll companies, former employers of job applicants and publicly available sources such as various websites and trade registers etc. 

3. What are the purposes for processing personal data? 

The purposes for which we process personal data may vary depending on your relationship with us. Such purposes include primarily: 

• If you are a (representative or employee of our) customer: (1) to comply with legal requirements regarding tax duties etc.; (2) to perform our contracts with you; (3) to communicate effectively with you and to maintain a good customer relationship; and (4) to send you invoices. 

• If you are a (representative or employee of our) potential customer or otherwise our business contact: (1) to respond to your questions regarding our products and services; (2) to explore possible cooperation with you; (3) to provide you with marketing information; and (4) to prepare for conclusion of contracts with you. 

• If you are a (representative or employee of our) supplier or otherwise our contracting party: (1) to perform the contracts with you, including paying your invoices etc.; (2) to communicate effectively with you; and (3) to comply with legal requirements regarding tax duties etc. 

• If you apply for a job, internship or volunteer position: (1) to respond to your questions regarding possible vacancies; and (2) to select suitable candidates to strengthen our team. 

• If you are an employee, intern or volunteer of our company: (1) to perform employment, internship or volunteer contracts with you; (2) to comply with tax and other legal requirements; and (3) to maintain a sound relationship with our team members. 

• If you are a visitor to our website: (1) to maintain a well-functioning website; (2) to improve website visitors’ experience; and (3) to safeguard website security. 

• If you are a subscriber to our social media accounts or mailings: (1) to provide you with information that we share via such social media or mailings; and (2) to communicate with you regarding our products, services and marketing events etc. 


4. On the basis of what legal grounds do we process personal data? 

We do not process personal data without legitimate legal grounds. The grounds for our data processing include primarily:

• preparation for conclusion of contracts or performance of contracts (this applies to e.g. customers, potential customers, suppliers and other contracting parties, job, internship or volunteer position applicants, employees, interns and volunteers); 

• compliance with our legal obligations (this applies to e.g. customers, suppliers and other contracting parties, employees, interns and volunteers); 

• our legitimate interest to maintain a well-functioning business (this applies to e.g. potential customers and other business contacts and job, internship or volunteer position applicants); and 

• your consent (this applies to e.g. potential customers approaching us for quotations and subscribers to our social media accounts or mailings). 


5. For how long do we retain personal data? 

We do not retain personal data longer than necessary for the data processing purposes. At the same time, we duly observe the relevant legal requirements regarding minimum data retention periods. This means that the retention period of your personal data depends on the purposes for which it is processed and the applicable data retention legal requirements. For example, personal data regarding customers, suppliers and other contracting parties as well as employees, interns and volunteers is retained for seven years in accordance with articles 2:10 and 3:15i of the Dutch Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek) and article 52 of the General Tax Act (Algemene wet inzake rijksbelastingen). 

6. With whom do we share personal data? 

We do not share your personal data with third parties, unless it is necessary for the data processing purposes or we are required to do so by law. This means under circumstances we may share your personal data with inter alia carriers that provide transportation services, warehouses that store our products, credit check companies, insurance companies, marketing agencies, payroll companies and our group companies. 

We will only transfer your personal data to a third party for the purposes and on the legal grounds as stated in this privacy statement. If a third party processes your personal data as a data processor (as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation), we will conclude a processor agreement with such third party, which agreement meets the relevant legal requirements. Third parties to whom we transfer your personal data are themselves responsible for compliance with privacy legislation. We are neither responsible nor liable for the processing of your personal data by such third parties. 

In order for us to operate our business normally, we may need to transfer your personal data to certain recipients in a country outside the European Economic Area. In that case we will ensure that the data transfer is compliant with the applicable law by, for example, using the European Commission standard contractual clauses for such data transfer. 

7. How do we protect personal data? 

We take relevant technical and organisational measures to ensure an appropriate level of security to protect your personal data. Technical measures include inter alia password protection and data encryption. Organisational measures include inter alia screening of 

staff that may have access to personal data and restricting data access to those that strictly need access in order to achieve the data processing purposes. 

8. What kind of cookies do we use? 

We use cookies and similar technologies in order to, among other things, make our website as user-friendly as possible. Further details can be found in the cookie statement published on our website. 

9. What rights do you have as a data subject? 

As a data subject, you have the following rights under the relevant privacy legislation: 

• right to be informed of the way we process your personal data; 

• right to access your personal data; 

• right to rectify or correct your personal data if it is inaccurate or incomplete; 

• right to erase your personal data; 

• right to object to or request restriction of processing of your personal data; 

• right to data portability; 

• right to object to profiling; 

• right to withdraw your consent; and 

• right to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority (in the Netherlands this is the Dutch Data Protection Authority). 


We respect your rights and will be pleased to facilitate lawful exercise of your rights. However, there may be circumstances under which we are not able to accommodate your request due to certain legal obligations that we must comply with. 

If you have any questions or requests regarding your privacy rights, please feel free to contact us by using our contact information stated below. We will respond within four weeks after receiving your question or request. We will handle your request only if it concerns your own personal data. In order to make sure that we do not provide your personal data to unauthorised persons, we will need to verify your identity before substantively handling your request. 

10. Languages and updates 

This privacy statement is drafted in English and may be translated by us into other languages for reference purposes. In case of discrepancies between different language versions, the English version prevails. 

We may update this privacy statement from time to time without prior notice. The latest version will always be available on our website. We encourage you to visit this webpage regularly in order to ensure that you are informed of our latest privacy policy. 

11. Contact information 

If you have any questions, requests or complaints regarding the processing of your personal data, please feel free to contact us via e-mail ( or by post (Graftermeerstraat 39A, 2131AA Hoofddorp).

 Privacy Statement 
Scherp Vogel Technology B.V. 

 (version of 15 August 2023) 

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